A Comprehensive Solution for Mortgage Program Management
A Comprehensive Solution for Mortgage Program Management
What is SBER?
What is SBER?
What is SBER?
Sber digital platform includes Finance, B2B services, Foodtech, Health, E-commerce and more.
VTB Bank is a systemically important universal Russian bank, one of the leaders in the financial services market.
Sber digital platform includes Finance, B2B services, Foodtech, Health, E-commerce and more.
The ability to easily change mortgage rates
The ability to easily change mortgage rates
Updating existing functionality
Updating existing functionality
Development of new functionality
Development of new functionality
The start page
The start page
An employee's job begins with searching for a specific product and a list of by-products
An employee's job begins with searching for a specific product and a list of by-products
A giant table
A giant table
The main work page is a giant table that needs to be worked with.
The main work page is a giant table that needs to be worked with.
The main work page is a giant table that needs to be worked with.
The main work page is a giant table that needs to be worked with.
The main work page is a giant table that needs to be worked with.
Clear structure of big data, easy to use, the layout of the tabular data was designed in close contact with the managers
Clear structure of big data, easy to use, the layout of the tabular data was designed in close contact with the managers
Clear structure of big data, easy to use, the layout of the tabular data was designed in close contact with the managers
Clear structure of big data, easy to use, the layout of the tabular data was designed in close contact with the managers
Clear structure of big data, easy to use, the layout of the tabular data was designed in close contact with the managers
By-product card
By-product card
Setting up all important parameters for calculating the correct mortgage rate
Setting up all important parameters for calculating the correct mortgage rate
Mortgage rate matrices
Mortgage rate matrices
Different matrices are responsible for different types of products and customers
Different matrices are responsible for different types of products and customers
Quick selection
Quick selection
Quick selection is very useful in cases where you need to quickly change a large group of parameters
An increase in the employee's work speed by 50%
An increase in the employee's work speed by 50%
Reducing the number of errors in matrix compilation by 76%
Reducing the number of errors in matrix compilation by 76%
A new service with the ability to scale
A new service with the ability to scale